Thursday, February 16, 2017

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Reviews on iTunes

Thank you to everyone who has left us a review on iTunes! We greatly appreciate it and it's good to see feedback to let us know we are on the right track! Just got a new review which reads:
"5/5 stars: I've only ever dabbled in reading SCPs, but I feel like even if one has read 0, this show still makes sense. I love it so far and I can't wait for the next season :D"
Your kind words encourage us and drive us to work on the next new script despite soul-crushing work days and terribly cold weather! Stay tuned for more FAM Radio and don't be afraid to leave us a review online!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

First Post of 2017

Hello Scippers!

Skippers? SCiPpers? SCP-ers? Personnel? Hello? Anyways, this post has been a long time coming!

After careful consideration, we here at Foundation After Midnight Radio have decided to not be dead in 2017. The radio silence is canceled, broadcasts will continue, the show will go on. Already we've roughed out a new script for your listening pleasure that we are aiming to complete before the month is over!

Excitement! Joyous celebration! Skeptical arm crossing! Whatever your chosen response is, we appreciate that you're still with us after all this time. The original episode was posted on Youtube back in Feb of 2014. Nearly 3 years later we have all of you wonderful fans, a handful of episodes, and plenty of ideas still stored up. Many of you have asked what happened, if we were ded [sic] or gave up on FAM Radio. The short answer is, no we didn't.

The longer answer is that we just got caught up in life, working day jobs, working freelance gigs, and trying to get some other projects off the ground. Writing out a script takes energy, editing the recordings requires programs, posting the episodes tediously demands time. We are just at the cusp of the free hosting on Soundcloud and will have to get on a yearly hosting plan in order to post more episodes on Soundcloud so they can be on iTunes.

There's a lot of other issues that have popped up that I (toadking07) haven't communicated over the last year, either because I figured we'd take care of them ourselves or because I didn't think people cared much to hear them. Moving forward my plan is to be more open about the production and issues and be more engaged with you all. Make no mistake, we've been wanting to put out new episodes, but FAM Radio is one of our many projects we have at the moment.

With your support we plan on making more podcast episodes and more cool SCP Foundation content. We've been listening to your comments and messages and have been looking over what we can change to keep making more FAM Radio in 2017! Not just keep making it, but to make it better!

So happy new year! You'll be hearing from DJ Scip again soon! Stay tuned for more.

Monday, September 7, 2015

FAM Radio Episode 00 "Intro To The Foundation"

The newest episode of Foundation After Midnight Radio is up! We've gone back and made an introduction episode to help get new listeners and those outside of the Foundation up to speed with the SCP Foundation fandom. Titled, "Intro To The Foundation" episode 00 is set to be played before episode 01. It can be played on Youtube, video below, as well as downloaded from iTunes here.